The service life expectancy of any non-metallic component that is intended for use in highly corrosive applications can be dramatically increased or decreased based on the conditions within which it is operated and how often it is inspected and/or repaired. Periodic downtime for routine inspection and maintenance is crucial when maximum performance and service life is desired. STRAND™ Composites specializes in the manufacture of FRP vessels, pipe, and duct. Therefore, we also offer our customers complete inspection services on in-service FRP equipment. In-service inspection of Corrosion Resistant Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) equipment is a specialized field and should only be performed by qualified personnel.

Inspection services include, but are not limited to:
All inspections are performed by qualified, fully trained personnel with knowledge in standard industry visual defects as defined by ASME or ASTM.
Exterior inspections for signs of physical damage or chemical attack to a vessel’s exterior structural layer. A detailed inspection is also performed of each fitting or appurtenance on the vessel exterior.
Internal inspections are performed looking for signs of laminate degradation due to prolonged exposure to aggressive chemicals or extreme service conditions such as excessive temperature. Special attention will be given to high stress areas such as the bottom inside corner (knuckle) radius and all internal secondary laminations.
Barcol hardness readings are taken to determine inner surface hardness.
A formal report will be provided for each inspection.
With proper inspection and preventive maintenance, along with the proper operational controls, FRP equipment will far exceed the lifespan of many other materials.